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  1. Log on the Hub platform
  2. Select Project Owner
    • Verify your email address
    • Complete the OTP step using the digit code sent by email
    • Select the investors you are looking for. Depending on what you select, this will create a verification flow:
      • Business angel = KYC verification flow
      • Investors funds = KYB verification flow
    • Define the plan of your project (find more information about it here : …)

Publish your project


Once you've completed your onboarding, you'll land on your project page and discover window with 4 pre-publishing steps.

  1. Complete your project page with the requested information.
  2. Build your KYC verification flow (if you’ve chosen to target business angel).
  3. Manage KYB flow restrictions (if you’ve chosen to target investment funds).
  4. Pay your project bill.

Project page


This is the first stage of pre-publishing steps.

This documentation guides you through creating a compelling project page for investors. Begin by defining your project name and description. Enhance your page with a banner and media, such as videos and visual documents. Clearly outline the amount you wish to raise, provide the smart contract link for token distribution, and include the mandatory lockup and vesting information.

To support your proposal, add essential resources like white papers, investment decks, and tokenomics details, and include your social media profiles so investors can follow your project updates.

More details about some features :

  • Banner If you wish to add a banner to your project it’s available from visibility & advisory plan. This banner will also be used to showcase your project to investors.

  • Additional media If you wish to add media to your page (available from visibility & advisory plan). You can add videos, visual documents any other media to help investors learn more about your project.

  • Amount to raise (available from visibility & advisory plan).

  • Lock-up and vesting table (mandatory)

    Click a row to complete it with stakeholder information or click 'Plus' to add a new stakeholder type. You can also delete a row by clicking on the trash button.

    1. Stakeholders
      • Identify the type of stakeholder concerned by your fundraising campaign.
    2. Token Generation Event (TGE)
      • Launch date: Enter the token launch date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
      • Distribution proportion: Fill in the percentage of tokens distributed on the launch date.
    3. Lock-up Period (optional)
      • Duration: Specify the lock-up period in days, weeks, months or years.
    4. Vesting Period
      • Duration: Enter the vesting period in days, weeks, months or years.
      • Scheme: Select the vesting scheme from the provided options.
        • Linear:
          • Fill in the number of tokens that will be vested in total.
          • Then, select the token distribution frequency as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
        • Cliff: Fill in the number of tokens that will be vested in total.

For assistance with filling in the table, click "Help" to submit a request, and our team will contact you soon. If certain fields don’t apply, leave them blank. The TGE percentage, combined with the vesting proportions (if any), will total 100%.

  • Project page preview A preview button is positioned at the top right of your project page. This preview allows you to view your page as if you were an investor.

Share your page

  • Once your pre-publishing steps have been validated and your invoice validated, your project is officially published and you can share the link to your project page with anyone you like. This button is located next to preview at the top right of your screen.

Verification flow


A verification flow is a set of verification steps selected based on your compliance requirements to verify the identity of your users. KYC and KYB requirements will differ.

For business angel verification (KYC) :

  • Follow the onboarding and complete the verification flow step.
  • Start by selecting an empty flow or use a template (Basic KYC, Basic KYC/AML, Advanced KYC/AML).
  • If you select a template, it will be saved automatically when it is created. .

For investors fund verification (KYB)

  • The verification flow is already set up and cannot be modified. This is the default format for verifying your company and it is the same for everyone.
  • All you have to do is save it or set up restrictions by document.

To find out more about the verification flow steps : Verification flow steps



User sessions are created from entity and refer to the verification process that users must complete. These steps are defined in the entity verification flow.

Sessions are categorized by step status:

  • Pending verification
    • Initiated by a user with verification steps completed that are currently being verified
  • Awaiting user action
    • Initiated for a user and for which no verification step has been performed by the user or for which a resubmit has been requested from the user.
  • Approved
    • Verified and validated.
  • Rejected
    • Rejected during verification. This is not reversible.

Clicking on a session gives you access to the detailed record with all elements and personal data of the user, as well as all documents submitted during the KYC process.


Please do not consider “Approved” or “Rejected” sessions as final. Some features (like AML monitoring) may change an “Approved” user to a “Rejected” one.

Risk AML

The risk control section is for your compliance officer. It lists all AML tasks they need to handle.

  • Accessible from the navigation bar on the left of your screen.
  • The risk control section allows you to handle AML tasks related to a session.
  • You are asked to make a decision on the AML hit related to the verification session.
  • You can assign the role of compliance officer to manage decisions in the risk control section.


Share your app with your team. An admin or owner role allows you to invite team members and grant them access to the organization.


There are 3 types of profiles

  • Owner
    • View and manage everything
  • Admin:
    • Modify the project page
    • Manage members
    • Update the plan
    • Manage AML sessions
    • Update the verification flow
  • Compliance:
    • Manage AML sessions
    • Update the verification flow
    • Share the project

Invite a new member

To add a new team member, navigate to Team on the navigation bar, click on invite members and follow the process. An email invitation will be sent to the user.


Multiple roles can be assigned to a single email address, granting the member rights associated with each role.

Pending invite

Monitor the status of sent invitations and keep members informed:

  1. Revoke Invite: Cancel an existing invitation.
  2. Resend Invite: Send another invitation email to the member.

Invitations remain valid for 7 days. If not accepted within this period, they expire.

Delete a member

  • In the "Members" section, next to each member's name, there should be a ‘delete’ option.
  • Owners can delete any member.
  • Admins can delete any member except the Owner.
  • Compliance officers cannot delete members.

Transfer Ownership

As an owner, you can transfer ownership to another member using an email-received code or an authentication code if 2FA is enabled. Upon transferring, the former owner becomes an admin, inheriting the associated rights.


In your settings, you can navigate through 4 different tabs

Custom fields


Custom fields allow you to set up specific input format or information you wish to collect about your investors. This information will be requested from the user prior to verification (KYC or KYB).

Example: If you'd like to know the level of knowledge , you can add a custom text field.

  • Custom fields are optional by default. You can decide to make it required for investors.
  • These fields must be completed before passing the identity check.


A classic profile page where you are able, for example, to change your profile picture.


Manage your Two-Factor Authentication, adding an extra layer of security to your account, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and protecting your personal information.


We recommend activating it as soon as possible.


  • Audit logs list all actions performed by all users in the organization and show what is happening on the platform.
  • Export all the logs in CSV format by clicking on the button provided.