Organization Settings
General settings
- Manage your organization's logo.
- Adjust your organization's name.
If you change the name of your organization, the link will not be modified, and the slug for logging in to the manager with your organization's name will also remain unchanged.
View a list of all organization members and the apps they belong to.
There are 2 types of profiles:
Organization Admin - View and manage everything Organization member - Can only see what they have access to.
Delete a member
- As an Organization Owner, you can delete any member.
- As an Organization Admin, you can delete any member except the Owner.
- As a Organization Member, you cannot delete members.
Transfer Ownership
As the Organization Owner, you can transfer ownership to another member by entering a code received via email or using an authentication code if 2FA is enabled.
Upon transferring ownership, the previous Organization Owner becomes an admin with associated rights.
Access to your Billing is through your organization's settings.
Enter your accountant's email, and Synaps will send the invoice to this address.
Access to your Logs is through your organization's settings.
Audit logs are used to check the list of all actions performed by all users in the organization and what happening on the platform.
App settings
- Manage your application photo.
- Adjust your application name, but you cannot change the link.
Profile settings
- Manage your profile photo.
- Adjust your profile names, but you cannot change your email address linked to the account.
You can manage your Two-Factor Authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to your accounts, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and protecting your personal information.