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In this tab, you have access to the details of all sessions.

Api Key

The sessions are categorized by status :

  • Not Started
    • All the sessions that have been initiated for a user where no verification step has been completed by the user
  • In progress
    • All the sessions once a verification step has been validated by a user, it is listed in the user's progress step.
  • Approved
    • All the sessions verified and validated during the verification
  • Rejected
    • All the session that were rejected during the verification

Upon clicking on a session, you have access to the associated detailed record with all the elements and personal data of the user, as well as all the documents submitted during the KYC process.

User Session details


The information relates to the verification flow from which the session comes.

  • User session information
    • Includes the nationality and the user session ID
    • Verification steps and their status
  • Liveness
  • ID document
  • Proof of address
  • Anti money laundering (AML)