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Share your app with your team. A Manager account allows you to invite team members and grant them access to the app.


There are multiple types of profiles:

Admin - View and manage everything Compliance Officer - View and manage users, flow and compliance decisions Developer - View and manage credentials, sandbox and webhooks

Invite a new member

To add a new team member, navigate to Members on the navigation bar.

  1. Click on invite members
  2. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the person you wish to invite.
  3. Assign the desired role(s) to the member.
  4. An email invitation will be sent to the user.

Multiple roles can be assigned to a single email address, granting the member rights associated with each role.

Pending invite

Monitor the status of sent invitations and keep members informed:

  1. Revoke Invite: Cancel an existing invitation.
  2. Resend Invite: Send another invitation email to the member.

Invitations remain valid for 7 days. If not accepted within this period, they expire.

Delete a member

  1. In the "Members" section, next to each member's name, there should be a "delete" option.
  2. Owners can delete any member.
  3. Admins can delete any member except the Owner.
  4. Compliance officers and Developers cannot delete members.

Transfer Ownership

As the app's Owner, transfer ownership to another member using an email-received code or an authentication code if 2FA is enabled.

Upon transferring, the former Owner becomes an admin, inheriting the associated rights.